2010年6月19日 星期六

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 debug version


Adobe Flash Player 10.1 Update for Flash CS5 Professional

6/10/2010 This download contains fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB10-14.  The update replaces the Debug and Release versions of Flash Player 10 browser plugins and standalone players that are included in the initial release of Flash Professional CS5 (player versions and All users are encouraged to apply this update. These new players are version
The Flash Player 10.1 updates are included in the ZIP file below. For instructions on how to update Flash CS5 Professional, please go to this technote.

Adobe Flash Player 10.1 — Debugger (aka debug players or content debuggers) and Standalone (aka Projectors) Players for Flex and Flash developers

6/10/2010 Updated debugger (aka debug players or content debuggers) and standalone (aka projector) versions of Flash Player 10.1 are available for Flash Builder 4, Flash Catalyst, Flash Professional CS4, and Flash Professional CS5 users. These players contain fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified in Security Bulletin APSB10-14. All users are encouraged to update to the new players. These new players are version
Note: Flash CS4 users must rename and save flashplayer_10_sa_debug.exe and flashplayer_10_sa_debug.app.zip to Players/Debug/FlashPlayer.exe and Players/Debug/Flash Player.app in order to debug ActionScript 3.0 projects.

Flash Player 9

Adobe Flash Player 9 — Debugger (aka debug players or content debuggers) and Standalone Players for Flex and Flash Developers

6/10/2010 Updated debugger (aka debug players or content debuggers) and standalone (aka projector) versions of Flash Player 9 are available for Flex Builder 3 and Flash CS3 Professional users. These players contain fixes for critical vulnerabilities identified inSecurity Bulletin APSB10-14. All users are encouraged to update to the new players. These new players are version


Macromedia Flash Local Content Updater

The Local Content Updater (LCU) is a free command-line utility that can add, remove, or check for local-with-networking privileges, operating on one or many SWFs. This tool allows you to change the security sandbox that the SWF file operates in when it is played as a local file in Flash Player 8 and above.
C++ source code for the Local Content Updater is also available. Download the source code if you wish to see how the Local Content Updater works, port it to another platform, investigate bugs, integrate it into scripts, etc.
If you have suggestions, bug reports, or contributions regarding the Local Content Updater, send email to local_content_updater@macromedia.com. Please note that this email address is only for issues regarding the Local Content Updater itself, and not for general issues regarding security in the Flash Player.


Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller

The Adobe Flash Player Uninstaller is a valuable tool for troubleshooting and testing detection schemes. The most current uninstallers and instructions for use can be found in this Tech Note.
